What the fuck is this place?
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2022/05/16(Mon) 17:33:52.36 Where am I?
2022/05/16(Mon) 19:30:58.34 NIP1レススレ救済委員会だ!!
2022/05/16(Mon) 22:46:12.08 ni'p')n Hi, I'm the emperor here
2022/05/16(Mon) 23:04:43.95 △ ¥ ▲
( ㊤ 皿 ㊤) gasha-n
( )
/│ 肉 │\ gasha-n
< \____/ >
┃ ┃
= =
This is 3 get robo.
Auto 3 get sitekureru sugoi yatsu dayo.
( ㊤ 皿 ㊤) gasha-n
( )
/│ 肉 │\ gasha-n
< \____/ >
┃ ┃
= =
This is 3 get robo.
Auto 3 get sitekureru sugoi yatsu dayo.
2022/05/16(Mon) 23:39:37.70 That's english is tekitou, and no 3get ponkotsu.
2022/05/24(Tue) 09:18:17.89 I'm actually American. What is the purpose of this board? Why do you use this one versus news4vip? I love exploring this site. I'm going to make a guide on it for English speakers one day. May or may not happen, no promises. Though, I don't think any of you would really care about that.
2022/05/24(Tue) 11:04:23.08 This board is one of the boards in the "Embassy" category, created so that 8chan users can also write on 5ch.(8chan is the predecessor of 8kun)
This is because 8chan and 5ch are operated by the same operator and the request was made by 8chan. (Most boards on 5ch do not allow posting from outside Japan.)
However, despite the request, 8chan users did not use these "Embassy" categories, and furthermore, since most of these boards are prohibited to use Japanese, 5ch users did not use them either, so the boards in the "Embassy" category are mostly abandoned.
Among these boards in the "Embassy" category, only two boards, "SJIS Room" and here "News for VIP" are available in Japanese.
As you know, because of its similarity to "neew4VIP," once the most popular board on 5ch, the "News for VIP" board is the only one in the embassy category that has attracted attention and a small number of posts were made to the board.
In the beginning, most of the posts were just a cold-hearted attempt, but gradually a unique community was formed, which has continued to this day.
However, it is only a group of enthusiasts who come all the way to the "Embassy" category, where there are no people, and only a few users.
(Deepl translate)
This is because 8chan and 5ch are operated by the same operator and the request was made by 8chan. (Most boards on 5ch do not allow posting from outside Japan.)
However, despite the request, 8chan users did not use these "Embassy" categories, and furthermore, since most of these boards are prohibited to use Japanese, 5ch users did not use them either, so the boards in the "Embassy" category are mostly abandoned.
Among these boards in the "Embassy" category, only two boards, "SJIS Room" and here "News for VIP" are available in Japanese.
As you know, because of its similarity to "neew4VIP," once the most popular board on 5ch, the "News for VIP" board is the only one in the embassy category that has attracted attention and a small number of posts were made to the board.
In the beginning, most of the posts were just a cold-hearted attempt, but gradually a unique community was formed, which has continued to this day.
However, it is only a group of enthusiasts who come all the way to the "Embassy" category, where there are no people, and only a few users.
(Deepl translate)
2022/05/24(Tue) 13:00:19.68 >>7
Wow, I did not expect a response, much less one with excellent English and the exact type of information I was looking for. Thank you, I very much appreciate this. I'll be using your post as a first-party source in the guide that I'm currently writing.
I remember when the English boards here were created and just checked up on them last week to see that they're abandoned, as you said. Not really surprising.
The textboard that was on 4chan (dis.4chan.org) was created in 2004, and was nixed back in 2014 for underutilization (See moot's blogpost here: https://blog.4chan.org/post/81998248943/goodbye-to-some-old-friends).
I'm not aware of any relatively popular textboard sites on the English side of the web in the last 20 years.
Wow, I did not expect a response, much less one with excellent English and the exact type of information I was looking for. Thank you, I very much appreciate this. I'll be using your post as a first-party source in the guide that I'm currently writing.
I remember when the English boards here were created and just checked up on them last week to see that they're abandoned, as you said. Not really surprising.
The textboard that was on 4chan (dis.4chan.org) was created in 2004, and was nixed back in 2014 for underutilization (See moot's blogpost here: https://blog.4chan.org/post/81998248943/goodbye-to-some-old-friends).
I'm not aware of any relatively popular textboard sites on the English side of the web in the last 20 years.
2022/06/03(Fri) 20:10:12.51 still here?
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