What do you think of schoolgirl dragons?
What do you think of maid dragons?
What do you think of succubus dragons?
What do you think of NEET dragons?
What do you think of yet-to-be-shown-in-anime OL dragons?
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
2017/02/19(Sun) 02:02:57.472Anonymous
2017/02/20(Mon) 03:12:30.07 I like
2017/02/20(Mon) 04:02:34.34 qt
2017/02/20(Mon) 14:08:23.72 I like Quetzalcoatl and I like how they were quick to make Mexican-themed memes of her, e.g. she wears a public Mexican high school uniform or a Mexican football team jersey and she actually drinks Tonayan, Rancho Escondido or pulque.
2017/02/22(Wed) 03:55:34.73 Ah, I forgot to ask what you all thought about busty shotacon demon dragons...
2017/02/22(Wed) 16:08:44.31 I think it is a good, yet highly over-rated anime this season.
2017/02/23(Thu) 04:46:19.22 I think there are a lot of good shows but only one or two great shows this season.
Kobayashi is in my "good" camp, too.
I like it a lot because this sort of concept and protagonist are sadly rare.
Some of my favorite translated stories from Japan, Korea, China alike involve these departures from the average,
just as virtually all are a departure from western cartoons, books, or other media.
Kobayashi is in my "good" camp, too.
I like it a lot because this sort of concept and protagonist are sadly rare.
Some of my favorite translated stories from Japan, Korea, China alike involve these departures from the average,
just as virtually all are a departure from western cartoons, books, or other media.
2017/05/02(Tue) 03:48:16.47 I liked Kobayashi best. She was cute and relatable
2017/05/13(Sat) 19:41:52.95 gay dragons
2017/06/18(Sun) 01:46:02.98 Is there Japanese person?
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