A typhoon moved over the southern part of the Korean Peninsula on Saturday, also bringing heavy rain to southwestern and western Japan and disrupting air traffic, the weather agency and airline companies said.
As Typhoon Kong-rey traveled north of Japan's main island of Kyushu, many flights to and from the region were cancelled, affecting some 5,000 people, Japan Airlines Co. and All Nippon Airways Co. said.
As of 9 a.m. Saturday, the season's No. 25 typhoon was around 120 kilometers west-northwest of the city of Tsushima in Nagasaki Prefecture with an atmospheric pressure of 970 hectopascals and winds of up to 162 km per hour, the Japan Meteorological Agency said.
Although the typhoon is expected to downgrade into an extratropical cyclone early on Sunday, the agency warned of strong winds and high tides as it approaches northern and northeastern Japan on Sunday morning.
Typhoon hits Korean Peninsula, disrupts flights in Japan
2018/10/06(Sat) 18:34:40.15レスを投稿する
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