8ch might end up closing down based on this post.
In case this does end up happening I figured people that still want to hang out with each other and discuss from the larger boards could move here.
Maybe we could add a board for more niche topics later if it kicks off.
"But Anon I don't know how to use 2ch"
http://services.4-ch.net/2chportal/ - has most of the Japanese boards as well as info on some 2ch culture
-Other guides can/will be translated if we end up moving here as well.-
I might even post some in this thread later.
Here's a key a fellow user made for some of the text on the site.
"2ch looks lame and doesn't show images!"
There are some 2ch browsers although I'm not sure if they still work.
There's also some extensions that add more useful features to the site like showing images from links, replies, etc.
For now here's one I use personally, it's on Firefox and Chrome.
8ch in trouble - possible 2ch migration [転載禁止]©2ch.net
2015/06/12(Fri) 20:37:07.62レスを投稿する
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