I'm going to improve my English skill in this thread [転載禁止]©2ch.net
2015/01/26(Mon) 16:06:19.64 my TOEIC score is 360 now. XD
2015/01/26(Mon) 16:17:00.02 I want to talk about everything.
please talk with me!
please talk with me!
2015/01/26(Mon) 21:56:03.10 Good job! Your English looks pretty good to me.
What kinds of things would you like to talk about?
Maybe we could discuss languages.
What kinds of things would you like to talk about?
Maybe we could discuss languages.
2015/01/27(Tue) 15:08:42.92 I don't know topic common worldwide.
Music? Sports?
My favorite sports is baseball but I know japanese baseball team only.
Please tell me musician you like.
Music? Sports?
My favorite sports is baseball but I know japanese baseball team only.
Please tell me musician you like.
2015/01/28(Wed) 01:40:13.10 I'm personally not that interested in sports, but over here in Germany, soccer is highly popular. Baseball isn't very well known. I don't think most people even know the rules.
I like listening to Uriah Heep. They are a hard rock group from Britain and were founded in 1969, but they are still active.
Apart from that, I enjoy many different kinds of music, from pop music over classical to more obscure things. Japanese music is also very interesting.
What kind of music do you listen too?
I like listening to Uriah Heep. They are a hard rock group from Britain and were founded in 1969, but they are still active.
Apart from that, I enjoy many different kinds of music, from pop music over classical to more obscure things. Japanese music is also very interesting.
What kind of music do you listen too?
2015/01/29(Thu) 03:29:42.63 I don't know a lot about western music.
Therefore, I didn't know the band.
I'm very interested to hear the tune which the band played.
What is the recommended the tune?
I like rock and pops, instrumental.
I make much of a performance than the lyrics in music.
Therefore, I didn't know the band.
I'm very interested to hear the tune which the band played.
What is the recommended the tune?
I like rock and pops, instrumental.
I make much of a performance than the lyrics in music.
2015/01/29(Thu) 10:24:52.76 I believe Uriah Heep isn't that well known, even in the west.
Here are some good songs:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlsU-xTG5os Bird of Prey
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0iuaxvkXv4 Wizard
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVn-cQLby3I Easy Livin'
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylwT6-FiuWM Pilgrim
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apWKh3D9oVw The Magician's Birthday
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkl0kV-C_FA Universal Wheels
I hope you will enjoy them.
Here are some good songs:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlsU-xTG5os Bird of Prey
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0iuaxvkXv4 Wizard
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVn-cQLby3I Easy Livin'
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylwT6-FiuWM Pilgrim
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apWKh3D9oVw The Magician's Birthday
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkl0kV-C_FA Universal Wheels
I hope you will enjoy them.
2015/02/04(Wed) 01:11:46.95 URIR HEEP………
This music is like Deep Purple…
This music is like Deep Purple…
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