Why doesn't foreigner come here ??? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
2015/05/22(Fri) 12:15:15.85 Embassy not to function.
2016/02/12(Fri) 21:46:35.67 >>100
Really!?Now I talk with Zangief!!I can't believe!
Welcome to this board.
Nice to meet you
Really!?Now I talk with Zangief!!I can't believe!
Welcome to this board.
Nice to meet you
2016/02/12(Fri) 22:01:29.65 >>101
Nice to meet you too :) ^_^
Nice to meet you too :) ^_^
2016/02/12(Fri) 23:00:57.83 >>102
(-ω-)oO(I thought you will say “Who is Zangief!I am not in STREET FIGTER 2")
(-ω-)oO(I thought you will say “Who is Zangief!I am not in STREET FIGTER 2")
2016/02/13(Sat) 00:53:55.16105Anonymous
2016/02/13(Sat) 13:39:45.97106Anonymous
2016/02/20(Sat) 16:19:09.93107Anonymous
2016/02/21(Sun) 20:39:37.72 >>106
Peter the Great sheds a single tear up in Orthodox Heaven
Peter the Great sheds a single tear up in Orthodox Heaven
2016/02/24(Wed) 03:45:08.51 Hello 2ch.
Swiss here.
Looking for Japanese people that would like to practice their English with me,
since folks from Lang-8.com generally forget about me after a month.
I won't forget. Honest.
Swiss here.
Looking for Japanese people that would like to practice their English with me,
since folks from Lang-8.com generally forget about me after a month.
I won't forget. Honest.
2016/02/24(Wed) 19:21:42.66 (;д;)English is very difficult.
2016/02/25(Thu) 01:25:18.01 to Anon below.
Do you need help?
We could contact via Steam or Skype, if you want. (' v')
I'm okay with sharing my ID here, spam doesn't really matter.
Do you need help?
We could contact via Steam or Skype, if you want. (' v')
I'm okay with sharing my ID here, spam doesn't really matter.
2016/02/29(Mon) 05:47:08.83 ...
Is this board really that dead?
I expected at the very least a tiny bit of an answer.
Is this board really that dead?
I expected at the very least a tiny bit of an answer.
2016/02/29(Mon) 15:18:41.51113Anonymous
2016/03/01(Tue) 06:21:06.48114Anonymous
2016/03/06(Sun) 08:45:16.32 does anyone live in germany?
2016/03/10(Thu) 03:06:16.95 No one advertises these boards on English speaking sites so I don't think many foreigners know these boards exist.
2016/03/11(Fri) 11:16:24.09 >>115
What are you speaking about? Latest many people here aren't japanese.
What are you speaking about? Latest many people here aren't japanese.
2016/03/18(Fri) 18:02:47.23 Hello, everyone.
I'm a random guy from Russia, who would like to find some Japanese penpals to chat about whatever.
I've got an N3 certificate, but huge pages of kanji just kill my brain, so I need to get used to using them more.
I used to be an anime fan, but lately I've been very bored with it. I also like Tabletop RPGs like Dungeon and Dragons, and am looking around for any Japanese TRPG systems. Maybe I'll even order a rulebook from an online store (w).
We can chat via Skype, Steam or just emails, whichever you'd prefer.
If you're interested - throw me an email at lzseries35@gmal.com
I'm a random guy from Russia, who would like to find some Japanese penpals to chat about whatever.
I've got an N3 certificate, but huge pages of kanji just kill my brain, so I need to get used to using them more.
I used to be an anime fan, but lately I've been very bored with it. I also like Tabletop RPGs like Dungeon and Dragons, and am looking around for any Japanese TRPG systems. Maybe I'll even order a rulebook from an online store (w).
We can chat via Skype, Steam or just emails, whichever you'd prefer.
If you're interested - throw me an email at lzseries35@gmal.com
2016/03/18(Fri) 18:04:34.03119Anonymous
2016/03/20(Sun) 00:20:43.16 >>117
probably Japanese popular TRPG is‘sword world RPG’or ‘record of LODOSS war’
maybe you can buy it in Amazon
probably Japanese popular TRPG is‘sword world RPG’or ‘record of LODOSS war’
maybe you can buy it in Amazon
2016/03/20(Sun) 02:45:06.01 >>119
Ah, thank you. Though, probably, I won't be able to buy a book for a few months - a teacher's salary is quite low. (w)
Ah, thank you. Though, probably, I won't be able to buy a book for a few months - a teacher's salary is quite low. (w)
2016/03/20(Sun) 12:44:48.01 >>120
those aren't expensive.
however there is one condition.
they are written in japanese.therefor you must master japanese.
those aren't expensive.
however there is one condition.
they are written in japanese.therefor you must master japanese.
2016/03/20(Sun) 14:23:48.98 >>121
Well, I have passed Nouryoku Shiken N3 testing (with a B grade for moji-goi section though (w)), so I think I'll manage somehow =)
Well, I have passed Nouryoku Shiken N3 testing (with a B grade for moji-goi section though (w)), so I think I'll manage somehow =)
2016/03/21(Mon) 21:45:26.61 Japanese is kinda hard, that's why ^_^
2016/03/22(Tue) 18:21:25.29 >>123
Well, this board is in English exactly because of that (though the interface is still in Japanese, but, well, it's more or less intuitive).
Well, this board is in English exactly because of that (though the interface is still in Japanese, but, well, it's more or less intuitive).
2016/03/23(Wed) 12:43:14.44 HELLO WORLD PEOPLE
2016/03/27(Sun) 04:03:35.04 konna ita atttatokahajimete shittawa w ww
2016/03/30(Wed) 20:48:32.57 recently it's getting warmer and warmer.
probably next week we can have good HANAMI.
probably next week we can have good HANAMI.
2016/03/31(Thu) 02:14:22.46 kok gimanaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
2016/03/31(Thu) 18:26:32.41 >>128
what are you saying ?
what are you saying ?
2016/04/01(Fri) 00:54:11.33 Hey. I'm from Russia. I love sucking Asian's dick.
2016/04/01(Fri) 00:55:40.63 Hey. I'm from Russia. I love sucking Asian's dick
2016/04/11(Mon) 06:24:09.74133Anonymous
2016/04/12(Tue) 23:04:23.58 Why many russian come this thread.
same person?
same person?
2016/04/14(Thu) 10:31:17.64135Anonymous
2016/04/14(Thu) 21:58:05.63 now big earthquake is comin
2016/04/14(Thu) 23:23:39.95137Anonymous
2016/04/15(Fri) 03:33:34.30 >>1 At least turn off that foreign IP block first
2016/04/15(Fri) 05:14:58.43 >>136
>I don't have image Russians comes Japanese board till meet you
But now you have it.
>Now,you live in Russia?
Yes. In western part of Russia which is called Ural.
>I don't have image Russians comes Japanese board till meet you
But now you have it.
>Now,you live in Russia?
Yes. In western part of Russia which is called Ural.
2016/04/15(Fri) 06:08:07.53 >>138
Is Ural considered Western?
Is Ural considered Western?
2016/04/15(Fri) 07:56:42.47141Anonymous
2016/04/15(Fri) 23:42:58.61142Anonymous
2016/04/16(Sat) 02:28:21.92143Anonymous
2016/04/16(Sat) 02:30:04.89 >>142
.. "tater" means a potato. Do you often see girls on imageboards?
.. "tater" means a potato. Do you often see girls on imageboards?
2016/04/19(Tue) 22:35:35.36 Are anybody seeing here?
2016/04/21(Thu) 16:57:26.73 >>144
2016/04/23(Sat) 00:35:58.25147Anonymous
2016/04/23(Sat) 01:16:34.63 >>146
2016/04/24(Sun) 15:47:58.31 Who wants to talk? ^^
2016/04/24(Sun) 20:02:44.92 Please, don't be shy.
2016/04/24(Sun) 22:04:10.55151Anonymous
2016/04/26(Tue) 03:00:12.06 >>1
By and large, people outside of Japan just don't know what 2ch is.
The only people who would know already go to sites like 8ch, which have far more active English speaking boards than 2ch's English boards.
Also there's that scary-looking warning you get before you post for the first time.
By and large, people outside of Japan just don't know what 2ch is.
The only people who would know already go to sites like 8ch, which have far more active English speaking boards than 2ch's English boards.
Also there's that scary-looking warning you get before you post for the first time.
2016/04/26(Tue) 03:06:19.42 Also, I'll add that the entire site is in Japanese. That's a real problem if you don't know the language.
The average person won't even know how to do something as basic as open a thread.
The average person won't even know how to do something as basic as open a thread.
2016/04/27(Wed) 11:50:05.97 greetings from the great nation of Texas.
2016/04/27(Wed) 15:02:25.71 minna ohayo.
this board isn't useful.because this board can't use japanese characters.
at least it need to admit to use hiragana characters.
this board isn't useful.because this board can't use japanese characters.
at least it need to admit to use hiragana characters.
2016/04/28(Thu) 00:33:43.93 хуй
2016/04/28(Thu) 00:39:08.26 >>154
>this board can't use japanese characters.
For me it was disappointment too. I think that I will teach a japanese language but I can't to write anything in japanese. It's very sad.
>this board can't use japanese characters.
For me it was disappointment too. I think that I will teach a japanese language but I can't to write anything in japanese. It's very sad.
2016/04/28(Thu) 05:47:04.29 >>154
Well, the point of this board is to attract mostly Western foreign people, and Japanese isn't a popular language in the West.
I think the staff doesn't allow Japanese characters here as an attempt to not intimidate people who wouldn't understand what they mean, but I think it's a little silly that they did it.
I could ask Code Monkey to enable them the next time I see him post on 8ch, although I'm not sure he'd even respond, and if he does he'd probably say "no".
Well, the point of this board is to attract mostly Western foreign people, and Japanese isn't a popular language in the West.
I think the staff doesn't allow Japanese characters here as an attempt to not intimidate people who wouldn't understand what they mean, but I think it's a little silly that they did it.
I could ask Code Monkey to enable them the next time I see him post on 8ch, although I'm not sure he'd even respond, and if he does he'd probably say "no".
2016/04/28(Thu) 14:54:26.50 How many people sit on 2ch.net? Does anybody know the approximate number?
159Code Monkey ★
2016/04/28(Thu) 21:35:39.53160Anonymous
2016/04/28(Thu) 21:42:22.01 Alright, I asked CM to Japanese characters and he said he would.
Let me test it.
私は日本語がわかりません, 私が使用していますGoogle翻訳
Let me test it.
私は日本語がわかりません, 私が使用していますGoogle翻訳
161Code Monkey ★
2016/04/28(Thu) 21:43:23.50 今日本語は大丈夫です
2016/04/28(Thu) 22:28:50.21 使ってみる
2016/04/28(Thu) 22:29:45.32164Anonymous
2016/04/28(Thu) 22:35:11.48 i think ルー大柴みたいなENGLISHがvery useful
2016/04/28(Thu) 22:37:36.81167Anonymous
2016/04/28(Thu) 22:40:01.08168Anonymous
2016/04/28(Thu) 22:46:04.34 >>167
From Russia.
From Russia.
2016/04/28(Thu) 22:58:31.90 >>158
> How many people sit on 2ch.net?
i had heard totaly 2ch.net was accesed 1,000,000hit over per day.
> How many people sit on 2ch.net?
i had heard totaly 2ch.net was accesed 1,000,000hit over per day.
2016/04/28(Thu) 23:01:33.37171Anonymous
2016/04/28(Thu) 23:13:39.58172Anonymous
2016/04/28(Thu) 23:33:37.21 >>166
You're welcome, I guess. Code Monkey was the guy who enabled Japanese text, I only asked him to.
Good morning! Although, it's actually the middle of the day where I live..
You're welcome, I guess. Code Monkey was the guy who enabled Japanese text, I only asked him to.
Good morning! Although, it's actually the middle of the day where I live..
2016/04/29(Fri) 00:05:51.32174Anonymous
2016/04/29(Fri) 01:07:36.67 I want to know a little about Japan. Is it true that average person feels pressure of society?
2016/04/29(Fri) 01:12:10.33 I mean the strict societal mores.
2016/04/29(Fri) 05:01:21.52 What kinda music to Japs like? I think the only Japanese band I've ever listened to is Church of Misery.
2016/04/29(Fri) 13:50:27.87 >>174-175
>average person feels pressure of society?
>the strict societal mores.
every country has this , isn't it ?
>average person feels pressure of society?
>the strict societal mores.
every country has this , isn't it ?
2016/04/29(Fri) 19:34:03.85 >>176
recently I often listen this band.
man with a mission
recently I often listen this band.
man with a mission
2016/04/29(Fri) 20:37:13.21 Hello. How was your day, friends?
2016/04/29(Fri) 22:13:23.46181Anonymous
2016/04/29(Fri) 22:51:01.55 >>181
Where do you work?
Where do you work?
2016/04/29(Fri) 23:09:59.79 >>178
It kinda reminds me of My Chemical Romance. Personally, fan of that kind of music, but I can see why it could be popular.
I'm somewhat surprised that most of the lyrics are in English, though.
It kinda reminds me of My Chemical Romance. Personally, fan of that kind of music, but I can see why it could be popular.
I'm somewhat surprised that most of the lyrics are in English, though.
2016/04/30(Sat) 00:23:39.77184Anonymous
2016/04/30(Sat) 00:36:12.43 >>182
once more 'man with a mission'.
this is featuring 'zebrahead'.
and this song is MADMAX japanese ver.ending song.
once more 'man with a mission'.
this is featuring 'zebrahead'.
and this song is MADMAX japanese ver.ending song.
2016/04/30(Sat) 00:42:00.58 >>176
japanese idol girls group
this song was made by DRAGON FORCE.
japanese idol girls group
this song was made by DRAGON FORCE.
2016/04/30(Sat) 00:45:11.86 >>183
Well, have a nice rest! :)
Well, have a nice rest! :)
2016/04/30(Sat) 00:53:42.38 >>183
It's Shōwa Day, right?
If it's a holiday then why did you have to go into work?
It's alright, it's not the kind of music I'd normally listen to it, but I'd probably listen to it if I heard it on the radio or something like that.
Speaking of MADMAX, was that movie popular over there?
I remember hearing Hideo Kojima say he saw the movie about fourteen times.
It's Shōwa Day, right?
If it's a holiday then why did you have to go into work?
It's alright, it's not the kind of music I'd normally listen to it, but I'd probably listen to it if I heard it on the radio or something like that.
Speaking of MADMAX, was that movie popular over there?
I remember hearing Hideo Kojima say he saw the movie about fourteen times.
2016/04/30(Sat) 00:55:34.36 >>187
The hell? I tried to write "Showa" with a line over the 'o' and it came out as "Shōwa"
The hell? I tried to write "Showa" with a line over the 'o' and it came out as "Shōwa"
2016/04/30(Sat) 01:43:32.64 >>187
> >>183
> It's Shōwa Day, right?
recently,don't call showa day.it is called MIDORINOHI(means a day of green)
> If it's a holiday then why did you have to go into work?
every day shops are opened.
> >>184
> It's alright, it's not the kind of music I'd normally listen to it, but I'd probably listen to it if I heard it on the radio or something like that.
What is kind of music do you like most ?
rock?jazz?R&B?any other?
> Speaking of MADMAX, was that movie popular over there?
since 1979(1st madmax),this movies are very popular.
especially madmax2 had influenced many japanese ANIME,MANGA,GAME.
> I remember hearing Hideo Kojima say he saw the movie about fourteen times.
what did he see many times?
> >>183
> It's Shōwa Day, right?
recently,don't call showa day.it is called MIDORINOHI(means a day of green)
> If it's a holiday then why did you have to go into work?
every day shops are opened.
> >>184
> It's alright, it's not the kind of music I'd normally listen to it, but I'd probably listen to it if I heard it on the radio or something like that.
What is kind of music do you like most ?
rock?jazz?R&B?any other?
> Speaking of MADMAX, was that movie popular over there?
since 1979(1st madmax),this movies are very popular.
especially madmax2 had influenced many japanese ANIME,MANGA,GAME.
> I remember hearing Hideo Kojima say he saw the movie about fourteen times.
what did he see many times?
2016/04/30(Sat) 02:31:48.57 (・Д・){English is difficult…
(;Д;){English is difficult !
(ノд<。)゜。{English is very difficult !!
(;Д;){English is difficult !
(ノд<。)゜。{English is very difficult !!
2016/04/30(Sat) 02:55:56.99 >>189
>What is kind of music do you like most ?
Mostly electronic music genres. Artists like Squarepusher, Aphex Twin, Venetian Snares, etc. I also listen to some metal and hip-hop.
An example of the kinds of music I listen to would be this
I listen to some rock, not very much jazz or R&B.
>what did he see many times?
Mad Max: Fury Road, sorry if I wasn't being clear.
Don't worry, English speakers think the Japanese language is hard. Well, they think kanji is hard, not so much hiragana or katakana.
>What is kind of music do you like most ?
Mostly electronic music genres. Artists like Squarepusher, Aphex Twin, Venetian Snares, etc. I also listen to some metal and hip-hop.
An example of the kinds of music I listen to would be this
I listen to some rock, not very much jazz or R&B.
>what did he see many times?
Mad Max: Fury Road, sorry if I wasn't being clear.
Don't worry, English speakers think the Japanese language is hard. Well, they think kanji is hard, not so much hiragana or katakana.
2016/04/30(Sat) 04:24:41.72 >>190
If you will be talking here you can speak more fluently.
If you will be talking here you can speak more fluently.
2016/04/30(Sat) 18:56:46.51 ぼくのえんぴつ
2016/04/30(Sat) 20:27:36.12 >>192
i keep it up
i keep it up
2016/04/30(Sat) 20:45:46.38 >>194
English can be a rather loose language, you can mess up a lot of things (even outright misspell words) but people can still get what you're trying to say.
English can be a rather loose language, you can mess up a lot of things (even outright misspell words) but people can still get what you're trying to say.
2016/04/30(Sat) 22:23:40.71 >>196
And that is cause why I love english.
And that is cause why I love english.
2016/05/01(Sun) 03:20:00.78 >>196
I wish other languages were as lax as English.
If you mess something up in Chinese and the entire sentence either means something entirely different or becomes incomprehensible.
I wish other languages were as lax as English.
If you mess something up in Chinese and the entire sentence either means something entirely different or becomes incomprehensible.
2016/05/01(Sun) 06:45:14.90 >>199
Do you learn Chinese?
Do you learn Chinese?
2016/05/01(Sun) 06:49:24.93 >>199
No, but my father did. He lived in Hong Kong for a few years.
He told me that even doing so much as changing the tone or pitch of a syllable could change a sentence.
No, but my father did. He lived in Hong Kong for a few years.
He told me that even doing so much as changing the tone or pitch of a syllable could change a sentence.
2016/05/01(Sun) 22:51:23.74 >>191
This song sounds like 80's KONAMI game song.
This song sounds like 80's KONAMI game song.
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