Hello, everyone.
I'm a random guy from Russia, who would like to find some Japanese penpals to chat about whatever.
I've got an N3 certificate, but huge pages of kanji just kill my brain, so I need to get used to using them more.
I used to be an anime fan, but lately I've been very bored with it. I also like Tabletop RPGs like Dungeon and Dragons, and am looking around for any Japanese TRPG systems. Maybe I'll even order a rulebook from an online store (w).
We can chat via Skype, Steam or just emails, whichever you'd prefer.
If you're interested - throw me an email at lzseries35@gmal.com
Why doesn't foreigner come here ??? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
2016/03/18(Fri) 18:02:47.23レスを投稿する
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