> >>183
> It's Shōwa Day, right?
recently,don't call showa day.it is called MIDORINOHI(means a day of green)
> If it's a holiday then why did you have to go into work?
every day shops are opened.
> >>184
> It's alright, it's not the kind of music I'd normally listen to it, but I'd probably listen to it if I heard it on the radio or something like that.
What is kind of music do you like most ?
rock?jazz?R&B?any other?
> Speaking of MADMAX, was that movie popular over there?
since 1979(1st madmax),this movies are very popular.
especially madmax2 had influenced many japanese ANIME,MANGA,GAME.
> I remember hearing Hideo Kojima say he saw the movie about fourteen times.
what did he see many times?
Why doesn't foreigner come here ??? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
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