Why doesn't foreigner come here ??? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
2015/05/22(Fri) 12:15:15.85 Embassy not to function.
2016/05/16(Mon) 17:49:08.97 You just need to get used to it.
2016/05/16(Mon) 23:22:35.02229Anonymous
2016/05/16(Mon) 23:51:24.44 >>226
After awhile you get used to it, but it's okay to misread something every once in awhile. It's a common mistake even native speakers make.
What you REALLY want to watch out for are homographs, which I'm convinced are the Devil's own work.
A homograph is a word that is spelled EXACTLY THE SAME as another word, but has a different meaning and is pronounced differently.
For example:
After awhile you get used to it, but it's okay to misread something every once in awhile. It's a common mistake even native speakers make.
What you REALLY want to watch out for are homographs, which I'm convinced are the Devil's own work.
A homograph is a word that is spelled EXACTLY THE SAME as another word, but has a different meaning and is pronounced differently.
For example:
2016/05/16(Mon) 23:52:20.34 >>229
For some reason half my post disappeared. Anyway, back to what I was saying.
For example: "sake", pronounced "say" with a "k" at the end. It's a bit of a loose word, it's used in sentences like "For God's sake, don't do that."
On we go to "sake", pronounced "sah-kay". It's a Japanese drink.
Another one: "polish", pronounced "paul-ish". It refers to making something shiny or glossy.
Then there's "Polish", pronounced "poll-ish". It refers to a person from Poland.
Another one: "tear", pronounced "tea-er". It refers to the droplets of saliva that comes out of a person's eye when they cry.
Then there's "tear", pronounced "ta-er". It refers to ripping something.
There are over a hundred words like this.
For some reason half my post disappeared. Anyway, back to what I was saying.
For example: "sake", pronounced "say" with a "k" at the end. It's a bit of a loose word, it's used in sentences like "For God's sake, don't do that."
On we go to "sake", pronounced "sah-kay". It's a Japanese drink.
Another one: "polish", pronounced "paul-ish". It refers to making something shiny or glossy.
Then there's "Polish", pronounced "poll-ish". It refers to a person from Poland.
Another one: "tear", pronounced "tea-er". It refers to the droplets of saliva that comes out of a person's eye when they cry.
Then there's "tear", pronounced "ta-er". It refers to ripping something.
There are over a hundred words like this.
2016/05/17(Tue) 01:00:24.61232Anonymous
2016/05/17(Tue) 01:54:19.16 >>226
You need more practise. Just read more and write more and you will be better.
You need more practise. Just read more and write more and you will be better.
2016/05/17(Tue) 02:34:00.81234Anonymous
2016/05/26(Thu) 04:29:31.52 That feel when you try to speak confidently and beautiful like in your own language but all what you've said looks retarded and silly shit. I hate myself.
2016/05/27(Fri) 06:34:05.13 >>234
What's your native language?
What's your native language?
2016/05/28(Sat) 10:41:50.59 Could somebody to write to me? Just for fun.
2016/05/29(Sun) 09:24:30.64 I want to have sex with white people!
2016/05/29(Sun) 20:23:19.41 >>237
Some white people want to have sex with Asians, as well.
In fact, there's a slang term for guys who only likes Asian girls: "yellow fever"
Not many white girls like Asian guys, though.
Some white people want to have sex with Asians, as well.
In fact, there's a slang term for guys who only likes Asian girls: "yellow fever"
Not many white girls like Asian guys, though.
2016/05/30(Mon) 09:43:56.76240Anonymous
2016/05/31(Tue) 15:46:08.74 Nobody writes to me...... WHY LIVE, comrades?
2016/05/31(Tue) 19:14:00.64242Anonymous
2016/06/02(Thu) 04:32:17.11 This thread = Everyone pretend to be foreigner
Baka gaijin never come here
Too stupid
Baka gaijin never come here
Too stupid
2016/06/02(Thu) 19:52:04.32 >>243
Ты че выебываисся, а? Че выебываисся то?! Тебе по мордям нахлестать штоль, а?! Щас нахлестаю!
Ты че выебываисся, а? Че выебываисся то?! Тебе по мордям нахлестать штоль, а?! Щас нахлестаю!
2016/06/02(Thu) 20:22:38.38 I want to have sexy time with white gaijins♪
2016/06/03(Fri) 18:14:17.95 Fuck, guys. Why are we so shy?
2016/06/03(Fri) 22:18:17.82 Although I am studying Japanese, finding this board was really hard. 2ch is too complicated for gaijins
2016/06/04(Sat) 01:18:07.45248Anonymous
2016/06/04(Sat) 04:42:51.97 >>246
>>2ch is too complicated for gaijins
2chan, for example, completely hate us. Even /int/ dosen't exist and japanese proxy and most of VPN are banned. 2ch is more better at this.
How long do you sit on the imageboards? Is it the only place where you talk with people?
P.S. Sorry, if questions look like dumb shit.
>>2ch is too complicated for gaijins
2chan, for example, completely hate us. Even /int/ dosen't exist and japanese proxy and most of VPN are banned. 2ch is more better at this.
How long do you sit on the imageboards? Is it the only place where you talk with people?
P.S. Sorry, if questions look like dumb shit.
2016/06/04(Sat) 10:18:13.55 >>246
>2ch is too complicated for gaijins
I disagree, I've been using this site for awhile now and haven't had any problems outside the first day. There are some annoying error messages, though.
Also, why does everybody keep saying "gaijin"?
Yeah, I get it's the Japanese word for "foreigner", but what's the point in using a word from another language when there's already a word that means the same thing?
>2ch is too complicated for gaijins
I disagree, I've been using this site for awhile now and haven't had any problems outside the first day. There are some annoying error messages, though.
Also, why does everybody keep saying "gaijin"?
Yeah, I get it's the Japanese word for "foreigner", but what's the point in using a word from another language when there's already a word that means the same thing?
2016/06/04(Sat) 13:50:33.72 Waito piggu go homu
2016/06/04(Sat) 14:34:37.15 >>249
>why does everybody keep saying "gaijin"?
i think it is banter.
i heard in 4chan,some westerner especially American people think "gaijin" is racism word.
often happen in 4chan,american flag often calls us "JAP".and we say "don't call us JAP !".
and they say "don't call us GAIJIN,you are raicist"
>why does everybody keep saying "gaijin"?
i think it is banter.
i heard in 4chan,some westerner especially American people think "gaijin" is racism word.
often happen in 4chan,american flag often calls us "JAP".and we say "don't call us JAP !".
and they say "don't call us GAIJIN,you are raicist"
2016/06/04(Sat) 20:30:43.65 >>251
>and we say "don't call us JAP !"
Is "Jap" considered a racial slur, or do people just not like being called it?
I remember a long time ago hearing that "Nip" was considered to be rather offensive.
>and we say "don't call us JAP !"
Is "Jap" considered a racial slur, or do people just not like being called it?
I remember a long time ago hearing that "Nip" was considered to be rather offensive.
2016/06/05(Sun) 02:23:37.69 >>250
No, you!
No, you!
2016/06/05(Sun) 02:38:14.60 When is coming bump limit here?
2016/06/05(Sun) 06:48:44.48 Is there a /b/ here?
2016/06/05(Sun) 07:32:20.24 >>255
There are several boards like /b/, such as /anarchy/.
There are several boards like /b/, such as /anarchy/.
2016/06/05(Sun) 16:52:29.11 I'm farting.
2016/06/05(Sun) 20:42:46.93 >>257
I fart every day.
I fart every day.
2016/06/06(Mon) 05:22:47.53 I'm suffering from dirty strong supersonic attacks!! Supersonic terrorisms!!
Help me!!
Help me!!
2016/06/06(Mon) 07:23:35.84 >>259
No. Oblivion takes you.
No. Oblivion takes you.
2016/06/07(Tue) 11:37:50.55 Notice me, Senpai!!!!
2016/06/07(Tue) 11:59:49.62 >>261
2016/06/11(Sat) 13:47:27.21 I AM RUSSIAN
2016/06/11(Sat) 18:02:06.40265Anonymous
2016/06/13(Mon) 12:45:13.14 Russians are retarded.
2016/06/13(Mon) 19:39:07.83 >>265
Don't me mean to our foreign friends.
Don't me mean to our foreign friends.
2016/06/13(Mon) 23:06:19.81 Russians are bad people.
2016/06/15(Wed) 21:44:29.69 TODAY I LEARN
Russian loves 2ch
Russian loves 2ch
2016/06/16(Thu) 00:35:33.59 >>263
Russians are strange people.
They make some good music, though.
Russians are strange people.
They make some good music, though.
2016/06/21(Tue) 02:15:33.81 Fuck Russia
2016/06/21(Tue) 08:33:47.90 >>270
How do you have intercourse with an entire country?
How do you have intercourse with an entire country?
2016/06/21(Tue) 11:18:46.68 >>271
I only have sex with hot white gaijins.
I only have sex with hot white gaijins.
2016/06/22(Wed) 00:49:14.77 Fuckkkkk
2016/06/22(Wed) 00:49:39.21 Fuck America!
2016/06/22(Wed) 00:53:32.54 Fuck Korea!
2016/06/22(Wed) 00:54:30.97 Fuck China!
2016/06/22(Wed) 06:50:18.59 >>274-276
What has Korea ever done?
They're corrupt as all Hell, but at least they don't start wars and cause the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people like the US and China.
What has Korea ever done?
They're corrupt as all Hell, but at least they don't start wars and cause the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people like the US and China.
2016/06/22(Wed) 16:54:54.65 >>277
Koreans are bad. They always fabricate the history and demand "sincere apology" and compensation money from Japan.
Koreans are bad. They always fabricate the history and demand "sincere apology" and compensation money from Japan.
2016/06/23(Thu) 05:27:00.96 >>278
Compensation over what? Japan taking over Korea several hundred years ago?
Nobody from then is even alive anymore. They should be more upset that the UN fucked them over by giving 50% of the country to Russia and 50% to the USA after Japan handed them back at the end of the war.
That's what caused Korea to split into two countries, the UN (for some reason) thought that if they gave the north and the south of Korea to two different countries, they'd eventually link them back together.
The UN was not full of smart people.
Compensation over what? Japan taking over Korea several hundred years ago?
Nobody from then is even alive anymore. They should be more upset that the UN fucked them over by giving 50% of the country to Russia and 50% to the USA after Japan handed them back at the end of the war.
That's what caused Korea to split into two countries, the UN (for some reason) thought that if they gave the north and the south of Korea to two different countries, they'd eventually link them back together.
The UN was not full of smart people.
2016/06/25(Sat) 16:05:43.90 I guess most people just do not know they can posting here. 2ch bans all foreign IPs, right? Also, greetings from Ukraine.
2016/06/25(Sat) 19:07:28.89 What is the difference between Russia and Ukraine?
They are the same. I think.
They are the same. I think.
2016/06/25(Sat) 19:11:32.02 BREXIT IS ReAL WOOO
2016/06/25(Sat) 19:26:24.07 >282
and also Greetings from Finland
There is a lot of happenings regarding this referendum about EU membership
Votes were 51,9% "out of eu" numbered "remain" votes by 1,2 million.
But there seems to be a twist
>oh shit nigger what are doing
Currently there is a petition with 1 087 736 signatures while writing this.
(link: petition.parliament.uk/petitions/131215)
/pol/ is going and is already ranting about this and creating new petitions here and there.
If anyone from near future see this post please come to join us in 4chan /pol/ to praise kek and help meme magic take over
ps. I like animu :3
and also Greetings from Finland
There is a lot of happenings regarding this referendum about EU membership
Votes were 51,9% "out of eu" numbered "remain" votes by 1,2 million.
But there seems to be a twist
>oh shit nigger what are doing
Currently there is a petition with 1 087 736 signatures while writing this.
(link: petition.parliament.uk/petitions/131215)
/pol/ is going and is already ranting about this and creating new petitions here and there.
If anyone from near future see this post please come to join us in 4chan /pol/ to praise kek and help meme magic take over
ps. I like animu :3
2016/06/25(Sat) 19:32:38.28 Ew so many baka gaijins! Whats worse, they are freaking whities!!!! Ewwwww
2016/06/25(Sat) 21:13:06.56 >283 UPDATED
It seems that one of the britbongs did a great discovery by checking the info that the website provided
and check a line "{"name":"United Kingdom","code":"GB","signature_count":353988}"
It seems there is actually just 353988 people who voted this in Brittain meaning this is complete bollocks
sorry for making such a mess up
>whito piggu go home to ylilauta.org fingols
Alrighty m8s see ya later
It seems that one of the britbongs did a great discovery by checking the info that the website provided
and check a line "{"name":"United Kingdom","code":"GB","signature_count":353988}"
It seems there is actually just 353988 people who voted this in Brittain meaning this is complete bollocks
sorry for making such a mess up
>whito piggu go home to ylilauta.org fingols
Alrighty m8s see ya later
2016/06/26(Sun) 02:13:59.18 >>281
They don't even use the same language
>If anyone from near future see this post please come to join us in 4chan /pol/ to praise kek and help meme magic take over
>ps. I like animu :3
Jesus fucking CHRIST, anon. Control your fucking autism. People like you are the reason nobody takes 4chan seriously anymore.
They don't even use the same language
>If anyone from near future see this post please come to join us in 4chan /pol/ to praise kek and help meme magic take over
>ps. I like animu :3
Jesus fucking CHRIST, anon. Control your fucking autism. People like you are the reason nobody takes 4chan seriously anymore.
2016/06/27(Mon) 09:11:46.78 Ding, Dong, the EU's dead.
2016/06/27(Mon) 09:15:18.21 >nobody takes 4chan seriously anymore
If anything, the opposite is true.
They and everyone else are just now figuring out the real and actual power they have that exists beyond fixing TIME magazine polls and are now endlessly whined about by mainstream media outlets and major websites.
Where this leads us, it can't be good.
Or maybe something lulzy will result from it.
If anything, the opposite is true.
They and everyone else are just now figuring out the real and actual power they have that exists beyond fixing TIME magazine polls and are now endlessly whined about by mainstream media outlets and major websites.
Where this leads us, it can't be good.
Or maybe something lulzy will result from it.
2016/06/27(Mon) 10:23:38.82 >>288
But there's something I'm not getting.
Why are you using 2ch and also using 4chan?
Usually English-speaking people here would use 8ch. Even our admin, Code Monkey uses 8ch instead of 4chan.
But there's something I'm not getting.
Why are you using 2ch and also using 4chan?
Usually English-speaking people here would use 8ch. Even our admin, Code Monkey uses 8ch instead of 4chan.
2016/06/29(Wed) 00:23:37.83 >>281
maybe you have image SOVIET.
maybe you have image SOVIET.
2016/06/29(Wed) 00:25:37.95292Anonymous
2016/06/29(Wed) 17:13:43.56 >>289
I wish Jim just made a clone of 4chan that was a clone of 2chan with less and more focused boards to troll Hiroshima Nagasaki like he's doing with his 2ch clone. 8ch is pretty terrible since all the boards aren't controlled by Jim himself.
I wish Jim just made a clone of 4chan that was a clone of 2chan with less and more focused boards to troll Hiroshima Nagasaki like he's doing with his 2ch clone. 8ch is pretty terrible since all the boards aren't controlled by Jim himself.
2016/06/30(Thu) 03:52:54.20 Hello, I recently learned Russian, and learning Japanese is my next goal. Does anybody know of any good resources for learning kana?
2016/07/01(Fri) 00:15:01.53 >>293
you search“REALKANA”in google.
you search“REALKANA”in google.
2016/07/01(Fri) 14:24:28.20 >>292
There are over 11,000 different boards on 8ch, I don't think Jim ''could'' control them all even if he wanted to.
The users of 8ch also don't really trust Jim, they wouldn't be too happy if he suddenly took control of every single board.
There are over 11,000 different boards on 8ch, I don't think Jim ''could'' control them all even if he wanted to.
The users of 8ch also don't really trust Jim, they wouldn't be too happy if he suddenly took control of every single board.
2016/07/02(Sat) 15:32:32.34297Anonymous
2016/07/02(Sat) 16:30:58.72 >>296
HW gave Code Monkey control, he didn't just abandon the site, he's still a consultant.
Jim's been the owner now for over a year, but CM is the one who controls it and HW now helps CM.
HW gave Code Monkey control, he didn't just abandon the site, he's still a consultant.
Jim's been the owner now for over a year, but CM is the one who controls it and HW now helps CM.
2016/07/02(Sat) 16:34:33.70 >>281
There is no actual difference, like there is no difference between Japanese people and Korean people.
There is no actual difference, like there is no difference between Japanese people and Korean people.
2016/07/02(Sat) 22:57:41.97300Anonymous
2016/07/03(Sun) 16:55:08.61 What are some really famous bands in Japan?
In the west you'll only ever hear music from Europe, America and sometimes Australia/NZ on the radio, you'll rarely anything from Japan or Asia in general.
Also, are any western music artists popular over there?
In the west you'll only ever hear music from Europe, America and sometimes Australia/NZ on the radio, you'll rarely anything from Japan or Asia in general.
Also, are any western music artists popular over there?
2016/07/03(Sun) 20:46:10.47 For British people,espicially Londoners!
What are you doing?
"Stupid choice in referendum"
I love London, England and also Highland.
In fact,I used be live in couple years in London.
What are you doing?
"Stupid choice in referendum"
I love London, England and also Highland.
In fact,I used be live in couple years in London.
2016/07/03(Sun) 21:14:12.47 My exgirlfriend came back to me last week.
I wish I show all of you a photo of my girlfriend with me.
W.Shakespeare says
"The course of true love never did run smooth"
I wish I show all of you a photo of my girlfriend with me.
W.Shakespeare says
"The course of true love never did run smooth"
2016/07/04(Mon) 02:42:33.51 >>301
Not British, but Irish (near Northern Ireland; which is apart of the UK) and I know a lot of people from the North who voted in the referendum. They're all really right-wing, so they voted leave.
They're extremely happy about the result, they say things like "the EU has done nothing but fuck over the UK with very little benefit". I'm not sure I'm agree, but that's what they believe.
Not British, but Irish (near Northern Ireland; which is apart of the UK) and I know a lot of people from the North who voted in the referendum. They're all really right-wing, so they voted leave.
They're extremely happy about the result, they say things like "the EU has done nothing but fuck over the UK with very little benefit". I'm not sure I'm agree, but that's what they believe.
2016/07/04(Mon) 22:13:17.36 Well, well, well.
Thanks for your reply.
I have recognised your thingking about.
"They're extremely happy about the result"
Not only EU countries but also international society
say that's incredible.
Somehow,UK will be get A Back Eyes.
Don't you think so?
Thanks for your reply.
I have recognised your thingking about.
"They're extremely happy about the result"
Not only EU countries but also international society
say that's incredible.
Somehow,UK will be get A Back Eyes.
Don't you think so?
2016/07/04(Mon) 22:54:50.61 >>304
>Somehow,UK will be get A Back Eyes.
I'm not sure what you mean by that.
>Don't you think so?
If you're referring to the what the other EU countries are saying, then yes. I do think it's incredible that the UK left the EU.
I'm not sure why they did it other than some propaganda that UKIP spouted. It's like they don't know that leaving is only going to cause more problems than it solved.
>Somehow,UK will be get A Back Eyes.
I'm not sure what you mean by that.
>Don't you think so?
If you're referring to the what the other EU countries are saying, then yes. I do think it's incredible that the UK left the EU.
I'm not sure why they did it other than some propaganda that UKIP spouted. It's like they don't know that leaving is only going to cause more problems than it solved.
2016/07/06(Wed) 20:41:01.05 Because we use 8ch.
2016/07/14(Thu) 01:26:09.27308Anonymous
2016/07/14(Thu) 06:33:37.99 >>307
Anon, you don't use the greater-than symbol like that on 2ch. It's pretty much exclusively used for quoting here.
If you go into a thread and type something like ">implying" you'll just confuse everybody.
Anon, you don't use the greater-than symbol like that on 2ch. It's pretty much exclusively used for quoting here.
If you go into a thread and type something like ">implying" you'll just confuse everybody.
2016/07/15(Fri) 23:35:16.72 Which is more existing 4chan or 8chan ?
2016/07/17(Sun) 18:25:22.57311Anonymous
2016/07/17(Sun) 18:26:20.46 >>309
Do you mean which is bigger? 4chan, by far.
Do you mean which is bigger? 4chan, by far.
2016/07/18(Mon) 14:29:36.80 >>310
>4chan likes Japan
That heavily depends on what board you're on.
Now, I haven't used 4chan for about two years, but I'll try to talk about what I remember.
The users of boards like /a/ (anime board) or /jp/ (Japanese culture board) would really love Japan, while people on boards like /3/ (3D modeling board) or /o/ (automobile board) might really care very much about Japan.
What >>311 says, 4chan is far more popular. 8ch site-wide probably gets around 5,000-7,000 users daily. 4chan probably gets over 500,000.
4chan also has several billion posts site-wide while 8ch has about 42 million (42,943,332 to be exact, the front page displays the post count).
I still prefer 8ch, however. It has many more boards than 4chan does and generally has a better community.
Code Monkey is also the new 8ch admin and he's actually adding new features to the site regularly, something 4chan did rarely. He also talks to his users near daily!
When I used 4chan Moot was the owner, and after 2012 he made maybe 3 or 4 posts A YEAR. Whenever Moot posted; it was a big deal.
>4chan likes Japan
That heavily depends on what board you're on.
Now, I haven't used 4chan for about two years, but I'll try to talk about what I remember.
The users of boards like /a/ (anime board) or /jp/ (Japanese culture board) would really love Japan, while people on boards like /3/ (3D modeling board) or /o/ (automobile board) might really care very much about Japan.
What >>311 says, 4chan is far more popular. 8ch site-wide probably gets around 5,000-7,000 users daily. 4chan probably gets over 500,000.
4chan also has several billion posts site-wide while 8ch has about 42 million (42,943,332 to be exact, the front page displays the post count).
I still prefer 8ch, however. It has many more boards than 4chan does and generally has a better community.
Code Monkey is also the new 8ch admin and he's actually adding new features to the site regularly, something 4chan did rarely. He also talks to his users near daily!
When I used 4chan Moot was the owner, and after 2012 he made maybe 3 or 4 posts A YEAR. Whenever Moot posted; it was a big deal.
2016/07/18(Mon) 19:21:52.06 Oh no, I just notice I made a typo in my previous post.
I meant "might *not* really care very much about Japan."
I left out a very important word.
I meant "might *not* really care very much about Japan."
I left out a very important word.
2016/07/20(Wed) 00:41:34.51 Hi
2016/07/20(Wed) 18:15:32.92 >>312
Those are tiny boards though. /o/ could be balanced by a board as tiny as /c/.
Those are tiny boards though. /o/ could be balanced by a board as tiny as /c/.
2016/07/20(Wed) 19:24:18.39 >>315
What about /b/ or /pol/?
I never really went to those boards, but I can't imagine them having very many weeaboos on them.
What about /b/ or /pol/?
I never really went to those boards, but I can't imagine them having very many weeaboos on them.
2016/07/24(Sun) 06:33:13.62318Anonymous
2016/07/26(Tue) 01:15:46.26 >>314
Hello friend
Hello friend
2016/07/26(Tue) 17:26:45.00320Anonymous
2016/07/26(Tue) 22:41:19.12321Anonymous
2016/09/04(Sun) 21:10:34.82 I can't get along with you because of very fool.
2016/09/07(Wed) 07:04:45.42 http://bienvenidoainternet.org/world/
even this place is slightly less dead
jim should add these textboards to 8ch's header
even this place is slightly less dead
jim should add these textboards to 8ch's header
2016/09/19(Mon) 19:46:23.72 English boards here seem hopeless. Thread creation disabled on some.
2016/09/20(Tue) 05:51:53.84 Yet LiA gets a link to 8ch's /b/. What the fuck?
2016/10/09(Sun) 16:38:51.29 noone comes here
2016/10/10(Mon) 16:14:16.05 hi there
2016/10/10(Mon) 17:12:00.09 >>326
- 【竹中平蔵】「財務省解体デモは意味がない。ただ騒いでいるだけ」…問題を単純化し思考停止した陰謀論が強いことに懸念 [煮卵★]
- 40歳代の自民支持、初の1割切り 時事通信3月世論調査【解説委員室から】 [首都圏の虎★]
- 「ほかの議員を自殺に追い込むようなやつだからやった」立花氏襲撃、逮捕の宮西容疑者供述 ★5 [蚤の市★]
- 40歳代の自民支持、初の1割切り 時事通信3月世論調査【解説委員室から】 ★2 [首都圏の虎★]
- 自動車関税、日本除外せず 全輸入車対象に 米商務長官 [首都圏の虎★]
- 【社会】「男性客が名字を連呼」「SNSに書こうか?」スーパー店員の名札、名字やめました 首都圏チェーンの取り組みに「他社も続いて」 [牛乳トースト★]
- 【悲報】 竹中平蔵「財務省解体デモは意味がない。ただ騒いでいるだけ」 [434776867]
- 立てるなよ🏡
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