Why doesn't foreigner come here ??? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
2015/05/22(Fri) 12:15:15.85 Embassy not to function.
2016/05/16(Mon) 23:51:24.44 >>226
After awhile you get used to it, but it's okay to misread something every once in awhile. It's a common mistake even native speakers make.
What you REALLY want to watch out for are homographs, which I'm convinced are the Devil's own work.
A homograph is a word that is spelled EXACTLY THE SAME as another word, but has a different meaning and is pronounced differently.
For example:
After awhile you get used to it, but it's okay to misread something every once in awhile. It's a common mistake even native speakers make.
What you REALLY want to watch out for are homographs, which I'm convinced are the Devil's own work.
A homograph is a word that is spelled EXACTLY THE SAME as another word, but has a different meaning and is pronounced differently.
For example:
2016/05/16(Mon) 23:52:20.34 >>229
For some reason half my post disappeared. Anyway, back to what I was saying.
For example: "sake", pronounced "say" with a "k" at the end. It's a bit of a loose word, it's used in sentences like "For God's sake, don't do that."
On we go to "sake", pronounced "sah-kay". It's a Japanese drink.
Another one: "polish", pronounced "paul-ish". It refers to making something shiny or glossy.
Then there's "Polish", pronounced "poll-ish". It refers to a person from Poland.
Another one: "tear", pronounced "tea-er". It refers to the droplets of saliva that comes out of a person's eye when they cry.
Then there's "tear", pronounced "ta-er". It refers to ripping something.
There are over a hundred words like this.
For some reason half my post disappeared. Anyway, back to what I was saying.
For example: "sake", pronounced "say" with a "k" at the end. It's a bit of a loose word, it's used in sentences like "For God's sake, don't do that."
On we go to "sake", pronounced "sah-kay". It's a Japanese drink.
Another one: "polish", pronounced "paul-ish". It refers to making something shiny or glossy.
Then there's "Polish", pronounced "poll-ish". It refers to a person from Poland.
Another one: "tear", pronounced "tea-er". It refers to the droplets of saliva that comes out of a person's eye when they cry.
Then there's "tear", pronounced "ta-er". It refers to ripping something.
There are over a hundred words like this.
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