and also Greetings from Finland
There is a lot of happenings regarding this referendum about EU membership
Votes were 51,9% "out of eu" numbered "remain" votes by 1,2 million.
But there seems to be a twist
>oh shit nigger what are doing
Currently there is a petition with 1 087 736 signatures while writing this.
(link: petition.parliament.uk/petitions/131215)
/pol/ is going and is already ranting about this and creating new petitions here and there.
If anyone from near future see this post please come to join us in 4chan /pol/ to praise kek and help meme magic take over
ps. I like animu :3
Why doesn't foreigner come here ??? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
2016/06/25(Sat) 19:26:24.07レスを投稿する
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