Why doesn't foreigner come here ??? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
2015/05/22(Fri) 12:15:15.85 Embassy not to function.
2016/07/04(Mon) 02:42:33.51 >>301
Not British, but Irish (near Northern Ireland; which is apart of the UK) and I know a lot of people from the North who voted in the referendum. They're all really right-wing, so they voted leave.
They're extremely happy about the result, they say things like "the EU has done nothing but fuck over the UK with very little benefit". I'm not sure I'm agree, but that's what they believe.
Not British, but Irish (near Northern Ireland; which is apart of the UK) and I know a lot of people from the North who voted in the referendum. They're all really right-wing, so they voted leave.
They're extremely happy about the result, they say things like "the EU has done nothing but fuck over the UK with very little benefit". I'm not sure I'm agree, but that's what they believe.
2016/07/04(Mon) 22:13:17.36 Well, well, well.
Thanks for your reply.
I have recognised your thingking about.
"They're extremely happy about the result"
Not only EU countries but also international society
say that's incredible.
Somehow,UK will be get A Back Eyes.
Don't you think so?
Thanks for your reply.
I have recognised your thingking about.
"They're extremely happy about the result"
Not only EU countries but also international society
say that's incredible.
Somehow,UK will be get A Back Eyes.
Don't you think so?
2016/07/04(Mon) 22:54:50.61 >>304
>Somehow,UK will be get A Back Eyes.
I'm not sure what you mean by that.
>Don't you think so?
If you're referring to the what the other EU countries are saying, then yes. I do think it's incredible that the UK left the EU.
I'm not sure why they did it other than some propaganda that UKIP spouted. It's like they don't know that leaving is only going to cause more problems than it solved.
>Somehow,UK will be get A Back Eyes.
I'm not sure what you mean by that.
>Don't you think so?
If you're referring to the what the other EU countries are saying, then yes. I do think it's incredible that the UK left the EU.
I'm not sure why they did it other than some propaganda that UKIP spouted. It's like they don't know that leaving is only going to cause more problems than it solved.
2016/07/06(Wed) 20:41:01.05 Because we use 8ch.
2016/07/14(Thu) 01:26:09.27308Anonymous
2016/07/14(Thu) 06:33:37.99 >>307
Anon, you don't use the greater-than symbol like that on 2ch. It's pretty much exclusively used for quoting here.
If you go into a thread and type something like ">implying" you'll just confuse everybody.
Anon, you don't use the greater-than symbol like that on 2ch. It's pretty much exclusively used for quoting here.
If you go into a thread and type something like ">implying" you'll just confuse everybody.
2016/07/15(Fri) 23:35:16.72 Which is more existing 4chan or 8chan ?
2016/07/17(Sun) 18:25:22.57311Anonymous
2016/07/17(Sun) 18:26:20.46 >>309
Do you mean which is bigger? 4chan, by far.
Do you mean which is bigger? 4chan, by far.
2016/07/18(Mon) 14:29:36.80 >>310
>4chan likes Japan
That heavily depends on what board you're on.
Now, I haven't used 4chan for about two years, but I'll try to talk about what I remember.
The users of boards like /a/ (anime board) or /jp/ (Japanese culture board) would really love Japan, while people on boards like /3/ (3D modeling board) or /o/ (automobile board) might really care very much about Japan.
What >>311 says, 4chan is far more popular. 8ch site-wide probably gets around 5,000-7,000 users daily. 4chan probably gets over 500,000.
4chan also has several billion posts site-wide while 8ch has about 42 million (42,943,332 to be exact, the front page displays the post count).
I still prefer 8ch, however. It has many more boards than 4chan does and generally has a better community.
Code Monkey is also the new 8ch admin and he's actually adding new features to the site regularly, something 4chan did rarely. He also talks to his users near daily!
When I used 4chan Moot was the owner, and after 2012 he made maybe 3 or 4 posts A YEAR. Whenever Moot posted; it was a big deal.
>4chan likes Japan
That heavily depends on what board you're on.
Now, I haven't used 4chan for about two years, but I'll try to talk about what I remember.
The users of boards like /a/ (anime board) or /jp/ (Japanese culture board) would really love Japan, while people on boards like /3/ (3D modeling board) or /o/ (automobile board) might really care very much about Japan.
What >>311 says, 4chan is far more popular. 8ch site-wide probably gets around 5,000-7,000 users daily. 4chan probably gets over 500,000.
4chan also has several billion posts site-wide while 8ch has about 42 million (42,943,332 to be exact, the front page displays the post count).
I still prefer 8ch, however. It has many more boards than 4chan does and generally has a better community.
Code Monkey is also the new 8ch admin and he's actually adding new features to the site regularly, something 4chan did rarely. He also talks to his users near daily!
When I used 4chan Moot was the owner, and after 2012 he made maybe 3 or 4 posts A YEAR. Whenever Moot posted; it was a big deal.
2016/07/18(Mon) 19:21:52.06 Oh no, I just notice I made a typo in my previous post.
I meant "might *not* really care very much about Japan."
I left out a very important word.
I meant "might *not* really care very much about Japan."
I left out a very important word.
2016/07/20(Wed) 00:41:34.51 Hi
2016/07/20(Wed) 18:15:32.92 >>312
Those are tiny boards though. /o/ could be balanced by a board as tiny as /c/.
Those are tiny boards though. /o/ could be balanced by a board as tiny as /c/.
2016/07/20(Wed) 19:24:18.39 >>315
What about /b/ or /pol/?
I never really went to those boards, but I can't imagine them having very many weeaboos on them.
What about /b/ or /pol/?
I never really went to those boards, but I can't imagine them having very many weeaboos on them.
2016/07/24(Sun) 06:33:13.62318Anonymous
2016/07/26(Tue) 01:15:46.26 >>314
Hello friend
Hello friend
2016/07/26(Tue) 17:26:45.00320Anonymous
2016/07/26(Tue) 22:41:19.12321Anonymous
2016/09/04(Sun) 21:10:34.82 I can't get along with you because of very fool.
2016/09/07(Wed) 07:04:45.42 http://bienvenidoainternet.org/world/
even this place is slightly less dead
jim should add these textboards to 8ch's header
even this place is slightly less dead
jim should add these textboards to 8ch's header
2016/09/19(Mon) 19:46:23.72 English boards here seem hopeless. Thread creation disabled on some.
2016/09/20(Tue) 05:51:53.84 Yet LiA gets a link to 8ch's /b/. What the fuck?
2016/10/09(Sun) 16:38:51.29 noone comes here
2016/10/10(Mon) 16:14:16.05 hi there
2016/10/10(Mon) 17:12:00.09 >>326
2016/10/25(Tue) 02:35:09.48 hi
2016/10/25(Tue) 07:24:55.08 >>328
2016/10/27(Thu) 09:12:41.13 Hi. So nice weather, but I have nothing to do.
2016/10/28(Fri) 18:55:26.90332Anonymous
2016/10/28(Fri) 23:47:30.26 >>331 Um...I am a girl
2016/10/29(Sat) 16:21:16.92 >>332
Then watch yaoi or something
Then watch yaoi or something
2016/10/30(Sun) 03:08:51.32 Hola amigos.
2016/10/30(Sun) 23:18:42.83 >>334
2016/10/31(Mon) 05:05:55.17 >>335
I'm not chilean.
I'm not chilean.
2016/11/01(Tue) 13:39:44.13 There'S been a lot of chilean coming from bienvenidoainternet.w
2016/11/01(Tue) 18:22:40.34 >>337
I'm from Spain.
I'm from Spain.
2016/11/02(Wed) 10:29:48.91340Anonymous
2016/11/02(Wed) 17:52:19.29341Anonymous
2016/11/10(Thu) 11:20:35.96 god bless you,America
2016/11/11(Fri) 07:59:04.62 >>341
However, after looking at Twitter it seems many Japanese people dislike Trump.
Why is that? They also seem to think his youngest son is cute.
However, after looking at Twitter it seems many Japanese people dislike Trump.
Why is that? They also seem to think his youngest son is cute.
2016/11/12(Sat) 13:54:54.39 you are misunderstanding.
we dislike hillary as well as trump.
hillary - panda hagger,she had discounted japan with her husband.
trump - he doesn't distinguish between japan and china.
we dislike hillary as well as trump.
hillary - panda hagger,she had discounted japan with her husband.
trump - he doesn't distinguish between japan and china.
2016/11/12(Sat) 20:29:34.47 >>343
In the west only weebs distinguish Asia from Asia tbh
In the west only weebs distinguish Asia from Asia tbh
2016/11/13(Sun) 03:29:36.50 >>343
>she had discounted japan with her husband.
There are far more important reasons to dislike Hillary than her stance on Japan. (I assume that's what you mean, anyway. The word "discounted" usually refers to an store item being reduced in price.)
She wants to setup a "No Fly Zone" in Syria; an area where the Russians already have deployed air units. This would ultimately lead to nuclear war between the U.S.A. and Russia à la the Cold War.
Considering how close your country is to Russia I imagine this would worry you.
>he doesn't distinguish between japan and china.
I don't think I've ever heard him confuse the two.
As with Hillary, there are bigger reasons to dislike - or like, depending on your personal beliefs - Trump.
He wants to deport at least two million people; build a wall between them and Mexico, reduce the amount corporations pay on tax, sue the media for what they've said about him, the list goes on.
Personally, I like Trump far more than Hillary. The man is a bit crude and brash, but I'll take that over a warmonger any day.
>she had discounted japan with her husband.
There are far more important reasons to dislike Hillary than her stance on Japan. (I assume that's what you mean, anyway. The word "discounted" usually refers to an store item being reduced in price.)
She wants to setup a "No Fly Zone" in Syria; an area where the Russians already have deployed air units. This would ultimately lead to nuclear war between the U.S.A. and Russia à la the Cold War.
Considering how close your country is to Russia I imagine this would worry you.
>he doesn't distinguish between japan and china.
I don't think I've ever heard him confuse the two.
As with Hillary, there are bigger reasons to dislike - or like, depending on your personal beliefs - Trump.
He wants to deport at least two million people; build a wall between them and Mexico, reduce the amount corporations pay on tax, sue the media for what they've said about him, the list goes on.
Personally, I like Trump far more than Hillary. The man is a bit crude and brash, but I'll take that over a warmonger any day.
2016/11/13(Sun) 03:31:02.85 >à la
I was trying to type "a la" but the "a" had an accent mark over it.
Welp, I guess this site doesn't support French letters. "A la" means "in the style of", by the way.
I was trying to type "a la" but the "a" had an accent mark over it.
Welp, I guess this site doesn't support French letters. "A la" means "in the style of", by the way.
2016/11/13(Sun) 18:07:13.17 please write
2016/11/15(Tue) 08:08:00.64 >>347
About what?
About what?
2016/12/01(Thu) 22:45:13.34 >>348
2016/12/10(Sat) 12:58:05.43 >>349
The book or the show?
The book or the show?
2016/12/10(Sat) 14:11:51.50 >>350
the show
the show
2016/12/11(Sun) 12:14:57.95 I'm a penis
2016/12/23(Fri) 21:48:38.47 >>352
How sad.
How sad.
2016/12/24(Sat) 03:25:45.27 >>354
2016/12/24(Sat) 03:26:01.31356Anonymous
2016/12/25(Sun) 22:36:43.90 Merry Xmas
2016/12/26(Mon) 09:08:48.90 >>356
Merry Christmas, although it's already the 26th here
Merry Christmas, although it's already the 26th here
2016/12/26(Mon) 09:46:40.43 lust christmas
2017/01/02(Mon) 15:39:19.46 >>358
Lust Christmas? How lewd.
Lust Christmas? How lewd.
2017/01/12(Thu) 13:45:19.58 hi fom tokyo
2017/01/12(Thu) 21:48:47.41 hello from germany
2017/01/21(Sat) 00:21:13.87 real german people doesn't write on this board.
2017/01/23(Mon) 14:30:23.65 >>362
How would you know?
How would you know?
2017/01/24(Tue) 02:54:10.06 >>363 There are no foreigners in Futaba.
2017/01/24(Tue) 11:50:26.97 >>364
But I'm foreign, I've never even been to Japan.
But I'm foreign, I've never even been to Japan.
2017/02/05(Sun) 23:58:13.70 OPPAI ! OPPAI !
2017/02/05(Sun) 23:59:53.47 >>366 is magical word that makes you to be happy
2017/02/06(Mon) 11:17:48.82 >>367
Any westerner who knows of a site like this would already know what that word means.
Any westerner who knows of a site like this would already know what that word means.
2017/02/06(Mon) 23:19:59.87 >>368
Westerner loves oppai !?
Westerner loves oppai !?
2017/02/08(Wed) 01:50:25.65 I AM AMERICAN! HELLO JAPS
2017/02/08(Wed) 18:02:43.63 >>370
2017/02/10(Fri) 12:53:41.65 >>369
Look at this chart.
Every blue country is a country that likes oppai, although they don't generally call it that. Red countries prefer ketsu.
The only major western nations that don't like oppai is are the U.S., Mexico and Brazil. Brazil is actually rather famous for its love of ketsu.
Look at this chart.
Every blue country is a country that likes oppai, although they don't generally call it that. Red countries prefer ketsu.
The only major western nations that don't like oppai is are the U.S., Mexico and Brazil. Brazil is actually rather famous for its love of ketsu.
2017/02/11(Sat) 14:50:38.65 >>372
which do you LOVE oppai ro osiri ?
which do you LOVE oppai ro osiri ?
2017/02/12(Sun) 06:29:26.39 Kek, foreigner reporting in.
2017/02/12(Sun) 18:14:23.91 >>373
Oppai, of course.
Oppai, of course.
2017/02/13(Mon) 22:47:14.30 >>375
Oppais are closely packed dream and hope !
Oppais are closely packed dream and hope !
2017/02/14(Tue) 08:40:28.71 >>374
2017/02/14(Tue) 20:44:47.35 >>370 Jap is an old English expression that is not frequently used now
2017/02/15(Wed) 00:12:53.13 >>377
kek = laugh out loud
kek = laugh out loud
2017/02/15(Wed) 00:16:29.90 >>378
i often see “ jap“ at 4chan.
i often see “ jap“ at 4chan.
2017/02/16(Thu) 01:52:37.05 Sometimes, I visit Reddit, which is Enlish version.
2017/02/16(Thu) 21:28:21.98 >>381
I've never been a fan of Reddit.
The users are kind of weird and the admins do strange things like edit the posts of users.
Jap has come back in recent years on the internet, although some may find it offensive as it was used as a kind of slur against the Japanese by Americans during WW2.
Have an example: http://www.nick15.com/images2/japs.jpg
I've never been a fan of Reddit.
The users are kind of weird and the admins do strange things like edit the posts of users.
Jap has come back in recent years on the internet, although some may find it offensive as it was used as a kind of slur against the Japanese by Americans during WW2.
Have an example: http://www.nick15.com/images2/japs.jpg
2017/02/17(Fri) 06:19:09.81 Finland reporting in. I like japanese video games and manga but the best thing about japanese is the emoticons like (・Д・) for example.
I don't know any japanese but I hope to learn some after I'm finished with my university studies and I'd like to maybe even find a job in Japan at some point. I study biochemistry and a lot of imporant research on that subject is done in Japan.
This website is like it's straight from the 90s. It's both entertaining and frustrating to use.
I don't know any japanese but I hope to learn some after I'm finished with my university studies and I'd like to maybe even find a job in Japan at some point. I study biochemistry and a lot of imporant research on that subject is done in Japan.
This website is like it's straight from the 90s. It's both entertaining and frustrating to use.
2017/02/17(Fri) 10:04:15.85385Anonymous
2017/02/17(Fri) 21:25:55.36 >>384
That sounds like a good idea but first I want to make catgirls real.
That sounds like a good idea but first I want to make catgirls real.
2017/02/17(Fri) 22:18:16.21 Anyone want to have some german stuff translated?
2017/02/17(Fri) 22:57:51.12 ching chong nip nong i eat dog i chinaman i give good deal
2017/02/18(Sat) 00:05:36.62 where can i post in japanese? i need to practice slang with internet losers such as myself
2017/02/18(Sat) 00:35:35.93 >>384
Wasn't Moonmin a Swedish cartoon? Why was it so popular in Japan?
Wasn't Moonmin a Swedish cartoon? Why was it so popular in Japan?
2017/02/18(Sat) 01:05:38.09 >>389
Moomin is finnish. It was made by a Swedo-Finnish person (a finn that speaks swedish, swedish is the second language of Finland because of historical reasons) called Tove Jansson.
Moomin is much more than a cartoon. There were a whole load of books and comics before the cartoon. The literature, especially the earlier stuff, can be a lot different in tone and much more "mature".
There's a moomin theme park in Finland. It's pretty terrifying honestly or at least was when I was a kid. Much like 2D anime characters, moomin aren't supposed to exist in 3D.
Why it's popular in Japan, I can't say. Finns generally know that it's popular there but I don't think many know why exactly.
Moomin is finnish. It was made by a Swedo-Finnish person (a finn that speaks swedish, swedish is the second language of Finland because of historical reasons) called Tove Jansson.
Moomin is much more than a cartoon. There were a whole load of books and comics before the cartoon. The literature, especially the earlier stuff, can be a lot different in tone and much more "mature".
There's a moomin theme park in Finland. It's pretty terrifying honestly or at least was when I was a kid. Much like 2D anime characters, moomin aren't supposed to exist in 3D.
Why it's popular in Japan, I can't say. Finns generally know that it's popular there but I don't think many know why exactly.
2017/02/18(Sat) 02:07:33.55 >>390
>Much like 2D anime characters, moomin aren't supposed to exist in 3D.
I agree, cosplay for example is so ugly and disgusting that it should be outlawed.
>Much like 2D anime characters, moomin aren't supposed to exist in 3D.
I agree, cosplay for example is so ugly and disgusting that it should be outlawed.
2017/02/18(Sat) 03:11:35.21 Guten Abend aus Bayern.
2017/02/18(Sat) 13:56:02.81394Anonymous
2017/02/18(Sat) 14:52:09.08395Anonymous
2017/02/18(Sat) 16:54:14.57 It was outsourcing business.
In 70s-80s, many Japan-made "European Anime" were exported.
Heidi, Bikke, and so on
In 70s-80s, many Japan-made "European Anime" were exported.
Heidi, Bikke, and so on
2017/02/18(Sat) 17:17:51.28 >>394
i think that moomin's story isn't difficult for children.
at first it seems like slapstick comedy , but in fact moomin is very philosophical story.
i think that moomin's story isn't difficult for children.
at first it seems like slapstick comedy , but in fact moomin is very philosophical story.
2017/02/19(Sun) 02:47:53.51 >>395
>European Anime
Nobody in the west call western animation "anime", they just call them cartoons.
In the west, anime almost always refers to eastern animation, usually Japanese animation.
>European Anime
Nobody in the west call western animation "anime", they just call them cartoons.
In the west, anime almost always refers to eastern animation, usually Japanese animation.
2017/02/19(Sun) 04:36:04.84 >>397
Well the Moomin cartoon was animated in Japan and based on European source material and also made a big impact in Europe, mostly the northern countries, so "European anime" is not too far off the truth.
I suppose if you want to get technical about it it's actually fully anime.
When I was a child it was called a cartoon but then again as far as I understand it in japanese anime just means cartoon pretty much and the difference between cartoon and anime is a western thing.
It's all a big clusterfuck really.
Well the Moomin cartoon was animated in Japan and based on European source material and also made a big impact in Europe, mostly the northern countries, so "European anime" is not too far off the truth.
I suppose if you want to get technical about it it's actually fully anime.
When I was a child it was called a cartoon but then again as far as I understand it in japanese anime just means cartoon pretty much and the difference between cartoon and anime is a western thing.
It's all a big clusterfuck really.
2017/02/21(Tue) 04:09:42.38 Burger reporting in from the US.
2017/02/22(Wed) 12:37:25.60 what did >>399 means by this ?
2017/02/23(Thu) 00:25:59.20 What are some Japanese memes? I know plenty of memes from places like Finland, Poland, Brazil, etc, but none from Japan.
In exchange I'll show you a Russian meme.
ПеКа-фейс, more commonly known in Western parts of the internet as either "Yoba" or "Comfy guy". It's a circular yellow face. He's used kind of like a general reaction image.
Here are some examples.
The text is meant to look like an Uzi.
In exchange I'll show you a Russian meme.
ПеКа-фейс, more commonly known in Western parts of the internet as either "Yoba" or "Comfy guy". It's a circular yellow face. He's used kind of like a general reaction image.
Here are some examples.
The text is meant to look like an Uzi.
2017/02/25(Sat) 13:51:02.27403Anonymous
2017/02/25(Sat) 13:59:35.82 >>401
this character seems that i often see in 4chan
this character seems that i often see in 4chan
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