>4chan likes Japan
That heavily depends on what board you're on.
Now, I haven't used 4chan for about two years, but I'll try to talk about what I remember.
The users of boards like /a/ (anime board) or /jp/ (Japanese culture board) would really love Japan, while people on boards like /3/ (3D modeling board) or /o/ (automobile board) might really care very much about Japan.
What >>311 says, 4chan is far more popular. 8ch site-wide probably gets around 5,000-7,000 users daily. 4chan probably gets over 500,000.
4chan also has several billion posts site-wide while 8ch has about 42 million (42,943,332 to be exact, the front page displays the post count).
I still prefer 8ch, however. It has many more boards than 4chan does and generally has a better community.
Code Monkey is also the new 8ch admin and he's actually adding new features to the site regularly, something 4chan did rarely. He also talks to his users near daily!
When I used 4chan Moot was the owner, and after 2012 he made maybe 3 or 4 posts A YEAR. Whenever Moot posted; it was a big deal.
Why doesn't foreigner come here ??? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
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