Why doesn't foreigner come here ??? [転載禁止]©2ch.net
This seems like a nice place to get lost in.
I seem most American white people are racist.
There not is patriotism without racism for them.
If Japan had been a win in world war II, racism would vanish from the world.
"hug this guy's ass" what's mean?
I'm from Mongolia and live in FaroeIslands
>>528 I'm an American white person, and I'm not racist!
I've also yet to meet someone in person who is racist.
Almost everyone on the politics board of 4chan is racist, though.
If you went there thinking that kind of thing is mainstream, then I can see why you would think most white Americans are racist.
Why would foreigners come here when there are English-speaking boards like 4chan?
im from indonesia but i usually post on 4ch
hello japanese and overseas friends
Japanese people are cool.
I am from Hong Kong!
Free Hong Kong! Fuck CCP!
Europe was georestricted after GDPR so they can't even see the site without VPN.
I mean, im a foreigner (USA) who comes here. Learning Japanese and 4chan is boring lol
Do not talk of 4chan here, dummies.
We love Japanese and we love Chinese. Long live CCP!
I had to use a VPN to even view this board.
Then it blocked me from posting because I was using a VPN.
So I used several VPNs in hope this post goes through.
Hi, I'm from Canada. I think because it is very difficult to navigate this site if a person cannot read Japanese.
I'm from the UK and not all of my Japanese friends visit here because of geoblocking
I am here. Hello. I came to see if there is anything to help me with learning Japanese, but I have plenty time to learn. I can just browse.
>>546 ok.
but i dont know how your japanese level is.
please speak japanese.
first of all,greeting
>>1 'Cause foreigners don't know this board, I think.
yo. moved to japan like a month ago. it's kinda lonely.