Step up your game spics
There's only one (1) textboard in Spanish [無断転載禁止]©
2016/06/24(Fri) 18:35:19.012Anonymous
2016/06/24(Fri) 23:14:51.28 That's because nobody really uses textboards, imageboards are all the rage nowadays.
2016/06/25(Sat) 15:40:37.56 And it has more activity than any textboard in English.
That's sad. moot fucked it up for everyone.
That's sad. moot fucked it up for everyone.
2016/06/26(Sun) 02:20:30.31 >>3
I hate Moot so much. Not only did he just rip-off Futaba's code, but he also started censoring 4chan around 2014 and then just sold it out when he got too butthurt.
Now on 4chan -a website formerly famous for its freedom of speech- you can get banned on certain boards for saying slurs like "nigger".
I hate Moot so much. Not only did he just rip-off Futaba's code, but he also started censoring 4chan around 2014 and then just sold it out when he got too butthurt.
Now on 4chan -a website formerly famous for its freedom of speech- you can get banned on certain boards for saying slurs like "nigger".
2016/06/26(Sun) 19:10:44.12 American 2ch lurker working on my Japanese, used to enjoy browsing 4chan ( mostly /tg/ and /v/ ), but now it's just a hellhole of little kids and endless reposts of
2016/06/26(Sun) 19:13:24.12 Heh, my first post here seemed to not have worked out so well.
...reposts of the same thing.
...reposts of the same thing.
2016/07/01(Fri) 13:11:14.64 Suddenly it went down in activity after you made this thread.
What did you do >>1?!
What did you do >>1?!
2016/07/14(Thu) 01:28:36.99 >>4
>a website formerly famous for its freedom of speech
I always see this said, but the only people who seem to say this are
/pol/fags, i.e. reddit.
>a website formerly famous for its freedom of speech
I always see this said, but the only people who seem to say this are
/pol/fags, i.e. reddit.
2016/07/14(Thu) 04:25:10.07 >>8
I mostly went to /m/, /mu/ and /vr/, actually. I never liked /pol/, they always blamed everything on Jews. It used to be jokingly, then newfags rushed in and took it seriously.
Also, there are many things that /pol/ are, but I don't think reddit is one of them. /pol/ is absurdly right-wing while reddit is very left-wing.
I mostly went to /m/, /mu/ and /vr/, actually. I never liked /pol/, they always blamed everything on Jews. It used to be jokingly, then newfags rushed in and took it seriously.
Also, there are many things that /pol/ are, but I don't think reddit is one of them. /pol/ is absurdly right-wing while reddit is very left-wing.
2016/08/01(Mon) 12:41:50.70 Seems like I missed when it used to have more activity. It's a shame.
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2017/02/17(Fri) 02:58:46.91 ¿Que?
2017/02/21(Tue) 04:12:04.51 >>9
Do not listen to this user. The jews actually did 9/11 and hitler did nothing wrong.
Do not listen to this user. The jews actually did 9/11 and hitler did nothing wrong.
2017/02/22(Wed) 08:47:46.88 Hitler's legacy was the demonisation of nationalism for a century after his death. Fascism is ascribed to him instead of Mussolini. Now Europe is to suffer for his failure.
I damn the name Hitler. Bomber Harris should have left nothing of Germany intact.
I damn the name Hitler. Bomber Harris should have left nothing of Germany intact.
2017/05/06(Sat) 12:44:08.2916Anonymous
2017/05/16(Tue) 14:27:55.01 Local and global coordinate system
2017/06/13(Tue) 20:17:59.15 Gfghjokjh Bjkjhbse. Gdchydabjq
2017/08/30(Wed) 04:29:24.96 >>13-14
I'm not a right-winger and I can see how retarded Hitler was even by fascist standards.
I'm not a right-winger and I can see how retarded Hitler was even by fascist standards.
2017/09/04(Mon) 11:31:54.95 >>1
It's filled with commies
It's filled with commies
2018/11/18(Sun) 00:49:35.6521Anonymous
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2022/11/24(Thu) 06:15:41.39 test
2023/12/08(Fri) 00:39:10.40 Hola
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