Texan here. Nothing here. why do I stay. Don't know.
Time will tell what becomes of these boards. A thousand years of shit-posting to become of these boards.
All foreigners, report here! [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net
2017/05/01(Mon) 11:51:55.545Anonymous
2017/05/03(Wed) 21:03:09.31 >>4 Floridian here and I honestly don't know how these boards are so up. They're probably the most inactive boards on 2ch.
2017/07/28(Fri) 13:28:05.96 >>4
did I post this? It's been a while and I don't remember.
did I post this? It's been a while and I don't remember.
2017/08/01(Tue) 17:27:07.71 >>6 are you a texan?
2017/08/06(Sun) 12:15:25.639Anonymous
2017/08/07(Mon) 07:45:29.58 【Bit coin investment method to become billionaire】
2017/08/22(Tue) 23:24:52.07 I'm seeing a lot of foreigners these days in Tokyo..
Are they all actually living here or just a traveller?
Are they all actually living here or just a traveller?
2018/06/30(Sat) 07:06:34.32 >Who are you?
some guy
>Where are you from?
Puerto Rico
>Why do you browse it?
I like anime and Japan
some guy
>Where are you from?
Puerto Rico
>Why do you browse it?
I like anime and Japan
2018/11/18(Sun) 00:55:56.5613Anonymous
2018/12/25(Tue) 11:22:33.85 Californian here. I came here to steal their memes and because I am bored sometimes.
2019/03/31(Sun) 21:29:16.51 _________<>
2019/04/02(Tue) 13:01:43.86 >>1
I do browse just to find some stuff to talk about
I don't know why I would come back, but I do
I'm just some random train otaku
I'm from the Philippines, sucks to be Filipino here
I do browse just to find some stuff to talk about
I don't know why I would come back, but I do
I'm just some random train otaku
I'm from the Philippines, sucks to be Filipino here
2019/08/17(Sat) 16:20:17.57 >>15
Mabuhay kaibigan !Saan ka nakatira gayon?
Ako ay hapon pero bachlor lang.
Ako nakatiira dito tohoku region.
Anyway ingat kayo ang haba ng pananatili!
Mabuhay kaibigan !Saan ka nakatira gayon?
Ako ay hapon pero bachlor lang.
Ako nakatiira dito tohoku region.
Anyway ingat kayo ang haba ng pananatili!
2020/04/17(Fri) 02:05:10.80 I've recently started learning japanese and I want to see if I will ever manage to learn enough to lurk here.
2020/04/23(Thu) 13:14:12.1819Anonymous
2020/07/04(Sat) 20:06:57.64 Posting here because I just discovered that there existed english imageboards here and I wanted to check them out
am from catalonia, using a vpn because for some reason only americans can post here
am from catalonia, using a vpn because for some reason only americans can post here
2021/03/15(Mon) 06:53:39.46 I'm hoping to find an old freeware doujin game called Pop Snake 99. There was a link in another thread - https://mao.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/gameama/1588577400/, but it's dead. Maybe someone who is able to post there could ask for a re-upload.
2023/01/09(Mon) 02:41:36.99 TEST
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- 米ロ首脳、全面停戦合意できず インフラ攻撃のみ停止 [蚤の市★]
- 【芸能】「マンガの最終決戦ベスト10ランキング」 米CBRが発表 [湛然★]
- 【米露】プーチン氏、トランプ氏の提案に同意…発電所などのエネルギー施設標的の攻撃を30日間停止へ [七波羅探題★]
- 【D専】Part.2
- 【ATP】テニス総合実況スレ2025 Part 64【WTA】
- 【MLB】カブス × ドジャース【開幕戦】★8
- こいせん 全レス転載禁止 ★2
- 巨専】
- 第97回選抜高校野球大会★2
- 「最上あいだった何か(骨壺)」に下したい刑罰 [267550838]
- 首都大東京、豪雪 [667744927]
- 正直こういう後ろ姿だけでも勃起するんやが
- 【石破悲報】もう3月なのに寒すぎる [918057362]
- 【悲報】東京の満員電車、世界のお笑いコンテンツになるww「土人っぽい」「東京は貧乏なんだ」「可愛そうだよ」 [732289945]
- お前らが不買を決めてる企業とその理由 [441978185]