【TRUTH】If you eat pig your throat become pig too
2018/11/22(Thu) 20:34:42.18 Use tare
2018/11/22(Thu) 21:23:05.57 Low killness is high sustainability
To shift to multidimensional era
Long ago samurai even hungry got a toothpick for TAIGI
But neo-samurai also fill his belly with kindness
Meat store will receives compensation
Now fill your soul core with high frequency energy
Let's live creative!!
And taste our tare....
To shift to multidimensional era
Long ago samurai even hungry got a toothpick for TAIGI
But neo-samurai also fill his belly with kindness
Meat store will receives compensation
Now fill your soul core with high frequency energy
Let's live creative!!
And taste our tare....
2019/03/24(Sun) 23:24:16.78 We could not live without them
Thank you so much for joyful powerful time
Thank you
Thank you so much for joyful powerful time
Thank you
2019/08/10(Sat) 14:59:43.26 When sun is way up;
I eat pork everyday;
It is delicious.
I eat pork everyday;
It is delicious.
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