The death toll from a magnitude 7.5 earthquake and subsequent tsunamis that hit central Indonesia's Sulawesi Island on Friday has risen to 384 with at least 29 people missing and 540 others injured, the country's disaster agency said Saturday.
National Disaster Mitigation Agency spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho told a press conference that the tsunamis engulfed a broad area of the western part of the island, destroying several thousand structures in the coastal area.
He added that the death toll may increase further, saying the figures were only from the Central Sulawesi provincial capital of Palu, one of the two worst-affected areas.
The government has begun full-fledged relief work. The military, national police, and search and rescue agency have dispatched personnel to search for missing people and support evacuees.
According to the National Disaster Mitigation Agency, the damage caused by the tsunami waves was particularly significant in the coastal areas of Palu and Donggala.
In Palu, a large bridge that was a symbol of the city was completely destroyed. People including hospital patients have fled outdoors amid the aftershocks.
The quake struck at 6:02 p.m. Friday at a depth of only 10 kilometers, centered on land near the town of Donggala -- about 2,500 km northeast of capital Jakarta -- triggering tsunami waves up to 1.5 meters high in some areas.
Indonesian quake, tsunami death toll rises to 384: ...
2018/09/30(Sun) 16:13:03.58レスを投稿する
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