Japanese police referred to child welfare authorities a record-high 37,113 suspected victims of child abuse in the first half of this year, a report released Thursday showed.
The preliminary figure marks an increase of 6,851 children aged 17 or younger being affected, as compared to the same period last year, according to the National Police Agency.
The agency believes the figures do not necessarily indicate there is an increase in abuse, generally, but rather that people are reporting more suspected cases to authorities amid heightened public awareness.
Police say the increased reporting has allowed them to intervene in potentially dangerous situations earlier.
The problem came into stark relief in March when Yua Funato, 5, died in Tokyo after being beaten and neglected by her parents. The girl had reportedly begged her parents to stop their mistreatment.
The case sent shockwaves through Japanese society when it was revealed Funato had recorded messages pleading for forgiveness in a notebook, all while her parents allegedly underfed her in order to keep the young girl "slim like a model."
Record 37,000 children suspected to have suffered abuse in Japan
2018/10/06(Sat) 18:36:43.88レスを投稿する
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