Japan's Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI) has launched the second Soryu-class diesel-electric attack submarine (SSK) for the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) equipped with lithium-ion batteries.
The 84 m-long boat, which has been named Toryu (with pennant number SS 512), entered the water on 6 November in a ceremony held at KHI's facilities in Kobe.
Toryu is also the 12th and final submarine of the Soryu class and the sixth to be built by KHI, with the other six having been built by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI).
The boat was laid down in January 2017 and is expected to enter service with the JMSDF in March 2021.
The launch comes after GS Yuasa, a Kyoto-based developer and manufacturer of battery systems,
announced in February 2017 that Japan would become the first country in the world to equip SSKs with lithium-ion batteries in place of lead-acid batteries.
At the time the company said the batteries, which store considerably more energy than the lead-acid batteries,
would be mounted on the final two Soryu-class boats for the JMSDF: SS 511 ( Oryu ), and SS 512 ( Toryu ).
Japan launches second Soryu-class submarine
2019/11/09(Sat) 00:27:17.65レスを投稿する
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