For instance, the number of posts made on Wednesday, 26 March at the jfood board was 848 with 570 IDs.
A troll named インフォガー, Infoger, posted 163 posts out of it with 135 IDs.
19% of the posts of the day at the board was made by one troll.
And yesterday, there were 601 posts with 232 IDs at the board.
The number of posts made by the troll was 139 with 118 IDs.
23% of the total number of posts at the board was made just by the troll.
The board has been under such a situation for 3 months and half the residents there have left board.
Reports of these trolls have been kept ignored as mentioned at >>701 >>729.
Isn't it a troll here?
I only mentioned his activities at the jfood board, but he appears at other boards as well and
some other boards are in similar situations.
Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★42
2014/06/27(金) 17:36:44.51ID:uIXaE3Vv0
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