What about the story about discharging tritiated water into the ocean?
If an AI says it is the right thing to do, it will say it is the right thing to do, but this is just an answer from a machine that doesn't think about reputational damage.
The human side will end up saying that it can't be helped because it is an AI.
However, if the same opinion is expressed by a human who is judged to be right by an AI, the human side will make a big fuss because the person who said it is still alive and the fisherman is still alive.
Because the person who said it is still alive, and the reputational damage to the fishing industry would be enormous, so they would be very nervous.
If they start protesting on a forum where AI judges, then disclaimers and compliance will be out of the question.
In short, as arguments accumulate, they become ideas, and as they grow, dangerous ideas will arise and enemies will gather.
You'll never know until you try it, but the world is full of mines.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Someone should create forum where AI can judge logical or not.
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