Please write also in English like >>510, when you write in Japanese.
I am not sure what you are asking in >>493>>508 .
I am afraid poor Japanese brings some misunderstandings.
Are there anyone who can explain the intention of >>493>>508 ?

>>508 asks >>503 how to produce server errors 500, 401 and so on.
So, >>517 answers the DDoS attack.
Actually there are not so many choices for users to produce server errors.
But if >>508 asks what the server manager should do to produce server errors,
we can answer that a syntax error in bbs.cgi causes the server error 500.
I don't know why >>508 asks it in the talk about ByeSaru.

>>565 says
> Jim-san is anxious about server load without bybySaru,
Do >>496>>508 mean the above?