         ...-─::::::::‐-.、ゝ /)
       ィチ:::::::::::::::::::::::::::\ノ:::::∧   Japan was choosed as the place holds Olympic.
    (`7/:::'::|:::::∧、:::⌒:::\:ヽ::::V::::::::::.  But there are many countries why Japan choosed?  
    >':::::!イヽ:::∧` <:::::::ヽ:V::|、::::::ハ  Because the Japanese speach is most attractable in the world.
    |/|::::::!::!  \:.l/i⌒ヽーv:个rヽ:::::::ヽ 
      V!:::::|;イ⌒ヽ \ 乂_ノ  リ_フ ! :::::|\ That speaker uses the word OMOTENASHI in it.
     Y::::V|乂_ノ         |ト、 |::::|ノ   It means if whatever people come to Japan,We give a person a warm welcome.
     ハ::从    <フ  .ィL..、  !:リ
      |八::::\、___ .ィr<  (ー亠、    By the way,KENMO users often use the word like it. They call it DAREWEL-誰ウェル-.
      |へ\::::\ _Yハ .イ ∩、,、ゝァ   Though they seem to hate Japan ,they do as the stereotype japanese .
         `_\  | /?、 ̄ハヽ! L!J /
         {\  Z__|__У、 Yーr-へヽ   For reason ,they are undoutbtedly patriot and cosmopolitanian
         Xr\r.、! V、ヽ  l     ヽ
       ⊂戈レ' /、 |      |     ∧  Japanese should act like them.
          ヽz'ヽ }      、  _,.-'´
            \.ノ         ̄ Z