
119 名無し編集部員 sage 2013/11/19(火) 10:12:20.63 ID:2RJ5RWco
Toru says,
"Jim said that he gave root access
if Rokka system were allowed by UNEI to read past logs in 2ch."
Is it true?

> 128 : トオル@せっている ★ : 2013/11/11(月) 00:51:43.48 ID:???
> Jimさんがrootを渡す条件は、「Jimさんが無許可で入れたRokkaシステムを、
> 過去ログサーバから外さなければ、渡してやってもいい」とのことでした。

120 xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★ 2013/11/19(火) 10:49:27.33 ID:???
Why don't you talk to Toru-san about that. I am very busy and
have no time for a circular discussion today.

186 xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★ 2013/11/25(月) 14:38:27.64 ID:???
There is no communication with Toru-san and myself.
I would be happy to talk with Toru-san, and Toru-san would
not even need to apologize, just start talking politely.
However >>119 is taken care of.
