【板名*】 ENGLISH板
【スレ名*】 【教科書ガイド】教科書和訳スレ【無し】
【スレのURL*】 http://academy3.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/english/1093275301/l50
【名前欄】 名無しさん@英語勉強中
Powwow Lesson10-@の途中から、Aの途中まで。
It was October 5, 1957, the day after Sputnik was sent into
space. I was a boy in Coalwood, West Virginia. Up to that
time, everything important had always happened somewhere else.
But, this time, it was in front of my eyes that something
historic was happening. In less than a minute, the bright little
ball was gone. I had never seen anything so exciting in my life.
All of a sudden, I felt that I had to do something important.
On Novenber 3, the Russians launched SputnikU. Roy Lee,
O'Dell, Sherman, and I got together in my room. "How about
building a rocket by ourselves?" I said. The other boys looked at
one another. "Do you know how to build a rocket?" Sherman
asked. "Here is a used flashlight. All we have to do is put fuel in it and
make a hole at the bottom of it," I said.