> 250 名前:コピペ推奨[] 投稿日:2010/01/17(日) 05:18:06 ID:rZ+gearo0
> これが情報統制。
> 東京新聞は検察の望まないことを報道したので記者クラブへ3週間の出入り禁止処分を受けました。
> http://www.the-journal.jp/contents/newsspiral/2009/06/post_300.html
>  >>なお、東京新聞は小沢氏と同様に献金を受けていた自民党議員の調査報道をしたことで、
>  >>検察から3週間の出入り禁止処分を受けていたことが、ニューヨークタイムズ5月28日付の
>  >>記事で明らかになっている。
> NYタイムスの原文はここ
> http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/29/world/asia/29japan.html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=May%2028%20Tokyo&st=cse
> Last month, the Tokyo Shimbun, a smaller daily known for coverage that is often feistier
> than that in Japan’s large national newspapers, was banned from talking with Tokyo prosecutors
> for three weeks after printing an investigative story about a governing-party lawmaker who had
> received donations from the same company linked to Mr. Ozawa.
> The newspaper said it was punished simply for reporting something the prosecutors did not want
> made public. “Crossing the prosecutors is one of the last media taboos,” said Haruyoshi Seguchi,
> the paper’s chief reporter in the Tokyo prosecutors’ press club.