> 373 名前:天変地異発動! ◆tenpen5cB. [] 投稿日:2010/04/21(水) 14:53:28 ID:rJi6xFxn0 ?2BP(1002)
> 人類滅亡!!!
> Warning
> The human is ruined.
> It is over with my life to control the fifth sun.
> It is the former slightly former future for several decades from several
> years.
> The human is ruined.
> I live in Sendai-shi, Miyagi, Japan.
> I was smashed in the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party.
> The Liberal Democratic Party borrowed Christian power.
> Therefore, as a result, I was smashed in Christianity.
> God died.
> The human is over.
> http://www.geocities.jp/keizaiseisai811/index.html